Your rights as a Canadian citizen protect you from unreasonable or unlawful exercises of police power such as unlawful intrusions. Therefore, it’s important to know your rights when dealing with the police. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize the significance of their rights until they are charged with a crime. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re not sure about your legal rights or how much information you’re legally bound to provide to the police, contact a lawyer immediately. If you’re charged with a crime, a professional lawyer will be in a better position to help you out.
The right to a lawyer means you can consult or hire a lawyer at any stage of the criminal proceedings against you, after and before the arrest is made. The police is legally bound to tell the accused his/her right to a lawyer. You must be provided with an opportunity to access a lawyer and speak with him in privacy.
A person has a constitutionally protected right to remain silent in Canada. While you’re not obligated to provide any information to the police, there are some exceptions to this in some cases. For example, if you’re arrested, you need to provide basic information: name, address, date of birth, etc. If you’re involved in a vehicle accident, it’s a legal requirement that you complete a collision statement. Let’s have a look at some of your rights when dealing with the police:
Your right in your home
Law enforcement authorities or police can’t enter your house in an unlawful manner. Your home must be considered as your most private place where nobody can enter without permission. Any person, including a police officer, needs your consent to enter your property. The law, however, allows law enforcement authorities to use certain powers to investigate a crime.
When the police knock at your door, you can choose not to communicate with them or end the conversation whenever you think appropriate. It’s important to understand that if you let the police enter your house, it doesn’t mean they can search your home. You may grant the police to search your home if they ask.
A search warrant may authorize the police to enter a place and search for evidence of any crime. Also, it may authorize the police to use force to enter a place no matter the time, make arrests or lay charges based on the evidence found, and seize objects related to their investigation. However, you have the right to challenge the search warrants later in the court. There are some situations where a police officer can enter your house without a warrant. For instance, a police officer can enter your house while pursuing a fleeing suspect.
Your rights in a vehicle
If you ever get pulled over by the police, whether on the highway or a side street, don’t forget to use your rights. There are many situations where a police officer can stop you and communicate in order to determine whether your vehicle is registered or not, whether or not the vehicle you’re driving is in proper working condition, whether or not you have a valid license to drive, etc.
You have certain rights whether you’re in a vehicle, at home, or in public. Feel free to discuss your situation with one of our competent criminal lawyers in Edmonton, Alberta. Call us now!